How to wrap/unwrap your wBTC/cBTC
How to wrap your wBTC into cBTC
Step 1: Connect your Web3 wallet
You can connect to our website through MetaMask or Walletcollect.
To connect your wallet to the website, press the Metamask button and log into your wallet. For this walkthrough we will use MetaMask.
Step 2: Open the Router
Press the start menu in the bottom left of the website and click on Router. A new window opens named Router.exe. Click on the Wrap tab.
Step 3: Approve and confirm the transaction
First you must approve the coins by clicking the “Approve” button. Confirm the transaction through MetaMask.
Step 4: Wrap your token
After the transaction has been confimed the button will change to Wrap, click on this button to start the wrapping process. A new window opens. Select how much wBTC you want to wrap and click Wrap.
Step 5: Confirm the transaction
Confirm the transaction on MetaMask.
Congrats you successfully wrapped wBTC to cBTC
Step 1: Open the Router
You can use the Router to unwrap your cBTC to wBTC. Open the Router through the start menu, bottom left. A new window opens named Router.exe. Click on the Wrap tab.
Step 2: Enter cBTC
Select how much cBTC you want to unwrap and click the Unwrap button.
Step 3: Confirm the transaction
Confirm the transaction through MetaMask and wait for the transaction to be confirmed.
Congrats you successfully unwrapped cBTC to wBTC
Last updated